Unity Theater

"Healing is the road & process to lasting peace." Elana Stanger

Hanukkah Message 5781

To the Wonderfully Diverse Membership of The Jewish People:

Shalom and Peace to you!  How are you, My Dear Jewish Sister and Brother?  I only want to bring you more and more LIGHT, and for us to share and spread this light among ourselves and to ALL PEOPLE, EVERYWHERE on Planet Earth, some of whom are already singing and dancing…

The fact that I am writing this today and setting up this website on Hanukkah feels just like a MIRACLE. I apologize for taking so long to write this proposal. I was formulating many of these thoughts and choosing the best direction in which to move forward. (I believe I am ready now.)

Diversity Arts d.b.a. Unity Theater is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, the purpose of which is to build intercultural unity through the visual and expressive arts. We intend to do this through two live and interactive theatre performances: JEWNITY THEATER and UNITY THEATER. JEWNITY THEATER is Jewish Unity Theater, and it centers on Building Intracultural Unity Among The Jewish People, while UNITY THEATER centers on Building Intercultural Unity Among All, honoring All Cultural Identity Groups and Everyone’s Unique Cultural Background and Experience.

Regarding JEWNITY, it is important for All of the Jewish People to unite in peace for many reasons (1) because it will help us to build bridges with other cultural groups; (2) because it will help us to heal ourselves and to heal the world, both of which are Jewish imperatives, and (3) because it is how it ought to be with us and with everyone. We need peace more than ever. We need peace everywhere… here in the United States, throughout the world, and most certainly in the Holy Land of Israel. We need peace now and forever.

JEWNITY is in its early planning stages with projected performances in 2020-21/5780-81.  We hope to perform during the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend in 2021, in honor of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. I have been singing daily, getting my voice and stamina up to speed to be able to do these shows, and developing my energy through daily practice in yogic breathing and QiGong. I am also praying with my siddur daily, with every one of you in mind, to be able to do the shows and carry forth my mission.

It is time that we create a more conscious and deepened awareness of the oneness of all of our people, affiliated and unaffiliated Jews from all corners of the world. I hope to engage as many Jews as possible, in many Jewish communities and from many walks of life. I have been working toward this goal, mission and vision for many, many years.

Perhaps I was also born with this blueprint inside of me, as I believe all of us were. Thankfully, I was given by God a talent and gift to create art (songs, chants, writings, paintings, poems, dances, etc.) about love and respect for cultural diversity and intercultural unity which has applications that are larger-than-life and oh, so very real. I also want to encourage others to create works from their hearts that build bridges also. These offerings can make a huge impact on our culture. I am also working on several books. I have been told repeatedly that my art is very effective in touching people’s hearts, and thus also in changing minds. I frequently pair the viewing of my artwork with the opportunity for dialogue to help us build bridges to one another and to ultimately open up in love. We can become more peaceful, more loving, more interconnected, more whole. And as we do become these things and develop our good qualities, or midot, with each other, we will also become more welcoming as a people. We will then be able to fulfill the commandment, more perfectly, to love the stranger as ourselves, for we shall remember that we too were strangers once when we were in a strange land. Some of us still experience life this way, as strangers, even those who identify as Jews.

I need your help and support.

I am pouring out my heart to you all, My Dear Jewish Sisters and Brothers, as I wear it on my sleeve. I know that we all would appreciate more real and authentic communication in the world. I may be reached by cell at 267.402.7837 and by email at Elana@DiversityArts.org. You can get in touch with me, please… This can become an international effort to build bridges of unity, peace, and brother-sisterhood through music and art made by The Jewish People. This is my hope.


Thank you for reading all of this… Hopefully, it makes sense to you… And you will be journeying together with all of us on this marvelous, mystical, magic carpet ride of self-discovery and the embrace of the stranger, even when that person is another Jew.

Blessings of love, peace, justice, equality and unity!


Elana Felice Stanger, L.C.S.W.

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