Unity Theater

"Healing is the road & process to lasting peace." Elana Stanger

Tikkun leil shavuous 5781



Dear Friends,

Hello and Shalom!  Happy Tikkun Leil Shavuot!  How are you doing? 

Jewnity is a state of open-hearted co-existence in which we aim to foster love and kindness, acceptance and belonging, bonding and unity between & among all of our good people. We are, together, building one Jewish, diverse & inclusive family. We welcome every Jew in the world. Every Jew is a good one. We all belong… together.

If you are reading this, it means that you and I have taken the time to become friends either at work, on social media, or in some other aspect of our busy lives. Open your heart to me as you would to someone you trust without a doubt or question– because you and I were strangers, together, in a strange land. We understand each other, although you and I may have never met in person.

As fellow Jewish People, we are a caring, warm, conscientious and responsible people. We are a people guided by morals and ethics. These were given to us on Mount Sinai, when we all stood together trembling before The Lord all night and we were fortunate to receive The Torah.

Our religion is not stagnant. Rather, it is a fecund place for aliveness and wilderness times also blossoming with new growth. This new growth holds the key not only for our own independent happiness, but also for the happiness of those around us. As Jewish People, we realize that Justice we shall pursue, and that True Justice is the predecessor to peaceful co-existence.

  • All Jews Are Jews
  • All Jews Are Good Jews
  • All Affiliations Are Welcome Including Those Who Haven’t Got One
  • We Aim to Recognize and Include All Jews– including those from Israel, The U.S.A., Canada, South America, Central America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Everywhere Else
  • Jews Are Citizens of Earth, Belonging to No Particular Nation, Although We Are Part of Everyone, Everywhere
  • Many Jews Serve A Higher Purpose or Calling
  • All Ethnicities, Races, Genders, Sexual Orientations, Abilities, Socioeconomic Groups, and Cultural Backgrounds Belong to Us
  • All Languages Are Spoken By Us (Hebrew is the Main Language Which Unites Us All)
  • We See the Divine Spark in One Another and In Everyone Else Because We Know It Lives Within Us Also
  • We Recognize Our Unity, Equality, and Welcome Bonding With All Humanity and All Life

Regarding Jewnity, I’ll be posting more information here soon:



We will begin holding online monthly meetings. (Our monthly schedule will be announced and links to the Zoom calls will be provided soon.)

I just wanted to share some of my initial thoughts with you as we embark on what we all hope will be a beautiful journey that yields us all fruit, the fruit of peace…

May God Bless You in Every Way!

Blessings of Jewnity!

Elana Stanger, L.C.S.W.

P.S. – Let me know if you want to be involved and I will follow-up with you more personally.  You may email me at this address: Elana@DiversityArts.org. Thank you!!!

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